Application of radionuclide diagnostics (PET/CT, SPECT, scintigraphy) in cardiovascular, nephrological, endocrinological and other pathologies

Radiation and nuclear diagnostics are the main methods used to make an accurate diagnosis in the early stages. Modern Russian medicine is not limited to X-ray examination alone, it offers foreign guests the most modern methods of radionuclide diagnostics: PET/CT, SPECT and scintigraphy.

PET/CT diagnostics in Russia

PET/CT (PET/CT) is the most effective method of diagnosing oncological diseases. The technique combines positron emission and computed tomography, so it allows you to visualize tumors from 8 mm in diameter.


For the procedure, the radiopharmaceutical 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose is used, as well as with methionine and choline, which is rapidly absorbed by cells.

PAT/CT with methionine and choline is a kind of innovative study, since it has a narrow focus. So, the possibilities of “Medical City” allow you to explore:


Malignant neoplasms of the brain. Methionine does not accumulate in edema or strokes, and vice versa in tumors, which allows for differential diagnosis.

Multiple myelomas. Choline and methionine are more sensitive.

Lymphomas and lymphogranulomatosis, especially in pediatric practice.

Diseases of the prostate gland and parathyroid adenoma, since choline is more sensitive than glucose.

The procedure allows you to evaluate the structure and functionality of the organs under study with high accuracy. In addition to high accuracy, the procedure has a number of advantages:

it is suitable for the diagnosis of most oncological diseases;

it has no side effects, does not require surgical intervention;

it takes place in a calm atmosphere for the patient, it is painless.

PET / CT allows you to detect both the primary tumor and metastases to other tissues and organs, while diagnosing even such foci that are not visible on X-ray examination. This helps surgeons and oncologists of Medical City to make the most appropriate treatment tactics.


SPECT-CT is a highly sensitive diagnostic used to scan both individual organs and the entire body.

SPECT-CT is a highly sensitive diagnostic used to scan both individual organs and the entire body. The method is widely used in oncology, endocrinology, cardiology and other fields of medicine.

To conduct the study, the patient is injected with a drug that accumulates in the tissues. After some time, the body is scanned, and the results are analyzed using a computer program. Thus, the SPECT-CT allows you to study both anatomical and metabolic disorders, that is, to diagnose diseases not only at the organ level, but also at the cell level.

Among the advantages of the method are:

The ability to assess the spread of the oncological process.

Accurate diagnosis of pathologies in the early stages.

High information content at low radiation load (comparable to X-ray examination).

The ability to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical treatment.

Safety and painlessness, no complications.

The use of SPECT-CT allows you to approach the diagnosis of diseases of the liver, lungs, mammary glands, cardiovascular and others comprehensively, that is, to assess the picture of the condition and work of the internal organ as a whole and choose the optimal course of treatment. In some cases, SPECT-CT is performed in conjunction with scintigraphy, for example, in the diagnosis of breast cancer.


Scintigraphy is a diagnostic method that allows to study functional changes in the body at the early stages of development, which is especially important in the treatment of oncological diseases.

The diagnostic capabilities of scintigraphy cover many areas of medicine, in particular the following:

Osteoscintigraphy — inflammatory bone changes.

Thyroid scintigraphy — thyroiditis, adenoma and other diseases accompanied by a violation of the thyroid gland or parathyroid glands.

Liver and kidney scintigraphy — visualization of the size and shape of the liver/kidneys to determine pathologies and their severity, assessment of liver and kidney function.

Of course, this is not a complete list of scintigraphy features. The study is used in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease, pulmonary embolism, oncological diseases and other pathologies. That is, the study is relevant for any cases when other methods are either not indicative or cannot be used.

During the procedure, the patient is injected with a radiopharmaceutical, after which a series of images are taken with a gamma camera. The results are analyzed using a computer program, and a two-dimensional image is obtained. The technique has a number of advantages:

allows you to visualize the pathology at an early stage, that is, to choose more gentle treatment methods;

it does not require special training, it is contraindicated only for pregnant women;

it has no side effects, the drug does not cause allergies;

it has a low radiation load comparable to radiography.

The procedure takes place in comfortable conditions for the patient, is painless and does not take much time.

Direction of radionuclide diagnostics “Medical City”

The pride of Medical City is highly qualified specialists and expert—class equipment. The radiological center has devices for PET/CT (“Siemens” Biograph 64 True Point) and SPECT-CT (Simbia T2 and Simbia E), equipped not only with highly sensitive detectors, but also tables with a cantilever structure that can withstand heavy weight. The technical capabilities of the radiological center allow for 5 thousand PET procedures/CT and 9 thousand OFECT-CT annually.

Our foreign guests receive not only modern diagnostics and treatment, but also the following:

Organization of transfer. Our specialists will help to prepare the documents necessary for the flight, with accommodation in a hotel and after the end of treatment will help to organize the departure home.

Comprehensive support. From the very beginning of communication, even before the flight, a consultant doctor accompanies you on all issues. After going home, the doctor is ready to provide the necessary consultations online.

Responsibility and transparency. We will not offer you a trip without understanding that we can help, nor will we promise to put you back on your feet in a week, but we will use all the possibilities of modern medicine to restore your health.